Maats Prinzip


Maats Prinzip is a card game three friends of mine and I invented during a game design module at university as the module’s assignment. We had to come up with completely new ideas how to play a game to make it unique. That did not only cover the game’s mechanics, but the background story and graphic design as well.

Maats Prinzip takes place in ancient Egypt where you are part of he followers of either Aton or the established gods. As a team, you create bracelets to collect points and you decorate them to unleash strong effects to hinder the enemy team.

I was responsible for most of the graphic design, created the base idea for the background and contributed to the game’s mechanics.


Graphic Design
Game Design
Verwendete Werkzeuge
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Hausarbeit im Studium
Antonia Bornefeld-Ettmann
Thorben Dusenstahl
Leonie König
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